I'm Melody, currently a 2nd year undergraduate Computer Science student, love exploring
Machine Learning
Data Science
Deep Learning
Web Development


Tech Stacks 🤖

Recent Projects

Neural Style Transfer

Neural Style Transfer

Utilized neural style transfer technique to build an application that employs tensorflowjs and VGG-19 model directly in the browser.

website 🡭
githubMelo04/Neural Style Transfer 🡭
LSTM LoFi Music Generator

LSTM LoFi Music Generator

LoFi music web player featuring AI-generated tracks. The model, trained on MIDI data, utilizes an LSTM architecture to generate music

website 🡭
githubMelo04/LSTM LoFi Music Generator 🡭
Titanic Survival Prediction

Titanic Survival Prediction

A web application that utilises a machine learning model and is capable of forecasting your likelihood of surviving the Titanic disaster.

website 🡭
githubMelo04/Titanic Survival Prediction 🡭
Facial Recognition

Facial Recognition

A facial recognition application capable of detecting and recognising faces via live detection web cam or uploading an image.

website 🡭
githubMelo04/Facial Recognition 🡭